Toxic Plasma Glow

So as you may know if your following my Facebook or Instagram, i’ve been messing around with some terrain recently, attempting to ‘speed’ (it’s a relative term) through the pile of unpainted plastic with the intention of finishing a good quality Kill Team board ASAP.

But although i’m attempting to move through the project relatively quickly, i’m also making sure to experiment with new techniques and materials to keep things as interesting and educational as possible. So when it came to painting up some big plasma coils i thought it was a good opportunity to try something a little different. The idea came from the humble plasma gun and a few interesting Nurgle paint job i’d spotted around the interwebs, just tuned on its side.

So here’s what i came up with. Leave a comment or get in touch if you’d like a more in-depth walk through. Please note all the paints (apart from the white ink) used in this step by step are from Vallejo and on the most part these can be interchanged with other brands, but i haven’t come across anything quite like the Fluo Yellow and Green (which really are the secret sauce to this method).




How I Model Minis In Sketchup